Editorial Team
Ripon Hore, PhD
Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering, Senior Assistant Engineer, Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), Dhaka, Bangladesh
Mr. Ronel S. De Guzman, MSc
Faculty, President Ramon Magsaysay State University, Iba, Zambales, Philippines
Jayson A. Dela Fuente, PhD
Malay College, Aklan, Philippines
Ezequiel Silver
Chitima Teacher Training Institute, Republic of Malawi
Kadirova Zaynura Zaynidinovna
Acting Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature, Doctor Philosophy in Philological Sciences (PhD), Termez State University, Uzbekistan.
Yazdonov Zikirillo Shukurilloyevich
First Deputy Director of Youth Affairs and Spiritual-Educational Affairs of Urgut Branch of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Associate Professor
Isakulova Bakhtigul Khujamovna
Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanisation Engineers, National Research University, Senior Teacher, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Pedagogical Sciences
Sobirkhanov Abdulbositkhan Tokhirkhanovich
Deputy Dean of Namangan State University, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences (PhD)
Vakhobova Marg’uba Abdukhamidovna
Tashkent State University of Economics Senior teacher of “Social and Exact Sciences” Department
Yazdonova Saхiba Kurbanovna
Professor of Samarkand branch of Tashkent State Economic University, Doctor of Philosophy.
Mirzayeva Mohira Kurbanovna,
Samarkand State University, Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
Kholmuminov Feruz Zarif ugli,
Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Sciences Leading scientific officer of the Department of modern Islamic studies Imam Moturidi International Research Center under the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
Kholikova Nodira Jakhongirovna
Chirchik State Pedagogical University. Ph.D, Candidate of Philological Sciences.