About the Journal

Web of Humanities: Journal of Social Science and Humanitarian Research is an open access peer reviewed international journal. It covers all areas of the social sciences, economics, and humanities. We adhere to the scientific standards by following a rigorous peer-review process. Any submission reporting scientifically accurate and valuable research will be considered for publication. We welcome empirical studies, theoretical articles, case studies, methodological articles and literature reviews.

Our scope is inclusive: we encourage multi- and inter-disciplinary work as well as new and experimental forms of research, replication studies and negative findings. All submissions will be evaluated based on their scientific and methodological validity and robustness of research. As an open access journal, all articles will be immediately and permanently available for authors and readers to read, download, cite and share. The journal aims to be a meeting point for researchers at every stage of their career. One of our guiding principles is to make the publishing process accessible to everyone doing sound science, including first-time authors, early career researchers, and those from underrepresented groups and geographical areas

The journal publishes papers devoted to quantitative social science research and methodology. The journal features articles that illustrate the use of quantitative methods to empirically test social science theory. The journal emphasizes research concerned with issues or methods that cut across traditional disciplinary lines. Special attention is given to methods that have been used by only one particular social science discipline, but that may have application to a broader range of areas with an ultimate goal of testing social science theory. The journal also covers the physical education, sports and sports science related articles.

Publication Frequency: 12 Issues Per Year (Monthly)

ISSN (E): 2938-3803

IFSIJ JIF: 7.775

Journal Abbreviation: Web humanit.

Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 9 (2024): WOH
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